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Competency Based Medical Education

Design – 18 Months Before Launch

Get ready to implement your CBD redesign

Set up a meeting with the CBME Office to make your Transition Plan; a detailed checklist of your next steps towards implementation.

Contact us

Team and resources

Expand your team: recruit additional faculty and residents to support and lead CBD implementation including competence committee formation and assessment rollout.

Meet regularly with your local network (CBME lead, PG office) and monitor local changes to policies, procedures and practices that will affect CBD implementation.

Meet regularly with the faculty and residents you’ve recruited to discuss implementation and share tasks.


Map your current program curriculum (i.e., rotations and training experiences) and assessments to the draft CBD EPAs and training experiences. Be mindful of major conferences, holidays and program commitments.

Discuss needed changes, options and timing broadly (e.g., with your RPC, CBME lead and departments, divisions, programs and services that are dependent on your residents) to identify issues and options.

Capacity building

Build capacity for workplace-based observations (including feedback and coaching practice) with selected supportive faculty and sites as you continue to field test EPAs. Work together to set a reasonable target (e.g., one observation per faculty/advisor per week) and problem solve how to include this in the daily workflow. Explore the opportunity to do real EPA observations on real EPAs for residents in related disciplines.

Build processes to help your competence committee effectively review, document and support residents’ performance. Consider getting ideas by sitting in on other disciplines’ competence committee meetings or using local and/or Royal College competence committee training resources.

Recommended Resources


RCPSC – 2020 Top CBD Resources

Various resources recommended by stage of transition


Competence Committee Process and Procedures Suggested Guidelines

Developed October 2017 (under revision 04/23)


CBD for CBD Template

Template for programs to use, adapt, and modify to help prepare their faculty for Competence by Design.