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Competency Based Medical Education

Launch – 6 Months Before Launch

Communicate the CBD change of your program

View the Communication Toolkit for a collection of resources, from EPA lanyards to e-blasts.

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Team and resources

Ensure your observation tools are in place for both clinical and academic settings.

Develop a QI plan to gather faculty and resident input to evaluate what’s working, determine areas for improvement and identify needed fixes.


Submit the learner, faculty and assessor information required for enrollment into your local ePortfolio assessment system.

Ensure your competence committee is ready for full implementation, monitoring progress to date and identifying areas for development. Make adjustments as required.

Review the structure and flow of your rotations/blocks to identify and address any gaps or problems. Identify and plan for scholarship opportunities, in partnership with others.

Capacity building

Provide timely, practical and comprehensive CBD training/onboarding to residents. Consider doing this as early as possible (e.g., at CaRMS interviews and during CBD orientation sessions). Emphasize the importance of a growth mindset. Engage senior residents and faculty to help you with this.

Develop resident-friendly resources (e.g., resident CBD schedule or roadmap with rotations, EPAs, observation tools).

Recommended Resources


RCPSC – 2020 Top CBD Resources

Various resources recommended by stage of transition


CBD for CBD Template

Template for programs to use, adapt, and modify to help prepare their faculty for Competence by Design.


Competence Committee Process and Procedures Suggested Guidelines

Developed October 2017 (under revision 04/23)