MedSIS EPA Dashboard Update – Customizing an EPA Progress Bar by Score

As of July 1, 2023 programs have the option to set individual EPA progress bars to advance on scores of 4 or 5. Note: The system will indicate a resident is ready for review based on scores of 4, so complimentary assessment data and narrative is important to have accessible to the competence committee.
Setting your EPA Scale to Advance on Scores of 4 or 5
CONTACT: Cheyenne Reid, Business Analyst MedSIS
If you wish to update an individual EPA progress bar to advance on a score of 4 or 5.
Customized Settings Example:
- Stage: Foundations of Discipline
- Minimum Achieved Entrustment Value: 4/5
When comparing both examples, note:
Progress Bar Percentages:
The progress bars for both Foundations EPA 1 and the overall Foundations stage both changed to 100%
The status of Foundations EPA 1 changed from “In Progress” to “Ready for Review”.
Despite this EPA status change, the overall stage status remained the same.
As mentioned below, no previous Competence Committee decisions will be affected by the implementation of this new feature; if the CC deemed an EPA/Stage as achieved previously, the committee will not be required to update the status again. NOTE: RPC no longer needs to approve EPA progression decisions of the competence committee.
**IMPORTANT: if you wish to keep your current preferences as accepting only scores of 5, please notify Cheyenne Reid.