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MedSIS Program Administrator Training MedSIS Training Website
This page includes 14 videos dedicated to guiding you through using the various functions of MedSIS in your role as a Program Administrator. These videos were part of a webinar originally run by the MedSIS development team, and have been split into smaller “chunks” for your convince.
For any additional training needs, the MedSIS team maintains a repository and/or can be contacted via their website.
This introductory video covers services provided by the MedSIS team here at McMaster.
Assigning Academic Coaches
This video will guide you through the process of assigning Academic Coaches.
Competence Committees
This video will guide you through the process of working with Competence Committees through MedSIS.
Assign a Committee to a Resident
This video covers the procedures involved when assigning a committee to a resident within MedSIS.
Learner Curriculum
This videos covers the ins-and-outs of the Curriculum function within MedSIS.
EPA Dashboard
This video thoroughly covers use of the EPA Dashboard.
History and Summary Graph, Milestones, Assessment Forms
This video goes through history and summary graphs, milestones, and assessment forms found within the EPA Dashboard.
Level of Supervision and Entrustment, and Clinical Encounter Forms
This video covers the both the level of supervision & entrustment and clinical encounter forms that can be found within the EPA Dashboard.
Supporting Documentation, Reflection Documentation, and Assessment
This video covers the Supporting Documentation, Reflection Documentation, and Assessment tabs.
Program Evaluations
This video covers the use of the Program Evaluations tab.
This video covers the use of the Events tab.
Activities (Procedure Log)
This video covers the use of the Activities tab.
Summary Report
This video covers the use of the Summary Report tab.
Competence Committee Review Dashboard
This video covers the use of the Review Dashboard tab.