Information Box Group

KeyLIME Podcasts Listen Here
Key Literature in Medical Education (KeyLIME) is a weekly podcast produced by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Bringing you the main points of a medical education article in just 20 minutes. Articles that are important, innovative, or will impact your educational practice are discussed.
Earn MOC credits under Section 2 for each podcast.

Competence by Design (CBD) Webinar Series Attend Here
The Royal College hosts the Competence by Design (CBD) Webinar Series. Each workshop is developed to meet the needs of CBD professionals, and they’re hosted throughout the year.
Note that each session has identified a specific target audience as well as recommended timing for participation, but anyone is welcome to attend the sessions at any time during their transition process.

Case Scenarios: Mock Competence Committees Learn More
Designed by the Royal College, this online activity is meant to provide direction and support for competence committee deliberations. Made up of six mock cases, each should take 20-25 minutes to review and discuss.

Competence by Design for Program Directors: A Practical Resource Learn More
While designed to cover the entire role of the Program Director in relation to Competence by Design, this Royal College resource includes a section on setting up a Competence Committee.
Eligible for Section 3 MOC Credits.

Coaching to Competence Learn More
The Royal College developed ‘Coaching to Competence’ module consists of 5 interactive activities that allow you to practice applying the RX-OCR process.
Earn Section 3 MOC credits for each of the five activities.

Entrustability Scales: WBA Rating Anchors to Trust Learn More
This Royal College resource discusses how feedback is documented in various workplace-based assessment (WBA) tools chosen by individual specialty committees and programs. Completing WBA tools involves clinical teachers rating learners practice performance using entrustability scales and detailed narrative descriptors. WBA should be fair, feasible, and also reflect what’s important to medical experts doing the rating.
Eligible for section 2 MOC credits.

Coaching Over Time Learn More
This Royal College resource will teach you the “Basics of Coaching over Time” is the first in a series of modules devoted to Coaching over Time. The module provides an understanding around this essential role and the value it adds for resident professional development. It also includes a video interaction that demonstrates the key components for successful Coaching over Time interactions.
Eligible for Section 3 MOC credits.

CanERA Learn More
Following many years of collaboration, Canada’s new accreditation system for residency education accreditation emphasizes outcomes focused on program quality, while embodying the values of efficiency, consistency and continuous quality improvement.

Resident ePortfolio Learn More
For programs using the Royal College Resident ePortfolio, access to an online training program is available to explain how you can use ePortfolio to view resident learning plans, record observations and review resident data by using the reporting functions. The training program has recently been updated with refreshed modules and a new, user-friendly interface to improve accessibility.
See a sample of the updated training.
To access the full training program, login to your ePortfolio account, click on the CBD tab and click on the “Need Help” link.